The weather Gods were sort of with us
I arrived at the field for 9.30. Took the fence down and by then other members had started to arrive. The sky was overcast but it was dry. Everyone chipped in to set up the gazebo and get the BBQ in position with the food remaining in boxes until needed. At our club we all enjoy a bit of banter and as more people arrived, the air of excitement increased with friendly comments on who was flying and what their model would be and would it last the whole of the attempt?
Then spit spat, the rain started. Lucky for us it was not heavy rain so we got as many members under the protection of the gazebo and others grinned and bared it or sat in the back of their cars. The wind picked up a bit so I decided to fly my little Mustang which I will admit is great fun as it has stabilisation fitted and handles the wind with ease. Our treasurer went up next with his Tundra; also a couple of more brave souls had a go.
By 11.00 am everyone had arrived which enabled the pilots briefing to commence. We decided that as we had quite a large longish field we would have 3 gliders takeoff at 5 minutes to Midday, climb to 300 feet approx and fly in a large circle. This was followed by 6 planes taking off at 2 minutes to midday and flying in anticlockwise circles at the Northern end of the field. 30 seconds later, 7 planes took off from the strip and flew in a circle at the Southern end of our field. We also had 2 none flying members shouting out the times and who with great gusto gave us the various required countdowns. At 10 seconds to midday, our 17th pilot threw his rubber powered glider into the air to complete the required number of flyers. Throughout the attempt I kept hearing members exalting the fact that we had so many planes in the air and how fantastic it was to be part of the event. Amazingly we all landed safely anywhere we could within the boundary of the club field. Even though my own personal landing was not up to standard, it was safe and in one bit.
Our 2 illustrious chefs fired up the BBQ and within half an hour we were tucking into some well deserved refreshment with all of us feeling we had achieved our goal for the day.
I am amassed at how all who are involved in this great hobby of ours have the same fantastic enthusiasm and camaraderie. I think that is the reason I have kept with this hobby for so long.
Thanks to all who contributed to making this day, one to remember for all of us.
Oh well, back to only having 4 electric models in the air at one time.
Regards to all and Fly safely.
Dave Graham (Surrey Radio Control Club)